Dave Fisher

BACKGROUND: Basically I am a maths teacher which has qualified me to teach for 35 years. Bridge became serious whilst abroad in the Bahamas where I played at the Paradise Island Club and became a ‘master’.

On return to the UK, I did courses with the EBU teachers association and then took ADULT EDUCATION COURSES in Peterborough and Oundle (1978 – 1990).

CURRENT DEVELOPMENT: I helped set up the Oundle Bridge Club and Bridge League. I did a Tournament Directors course with the EBU in 2006. I have developed my own teaching courses and run private classes (1991 to present). Further afield I have run 4 one-week workshops for HPB (Holiday Property Bond) in Wales and France (2005 – 2771). More recently I have completed week/weekend courses at Knuston Hall, Irchester, Northamptonshire for NCC.

FUTURE PLANS: Help develop a wider playing public through U3A. Organise charity bridge and bridge leagues/tournaments. Continue at Oundle Bridge Club and help their development. Maintain membership of the EBUTA (now EBTA) (w/e course 2012)