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Setting up a knockout

Let's walk through setting up a new knockout event. You will need to be logged on as a club, district or county in order to do this.

Note: the instructions on these pages assume a basic knockout. There are some advanced features for doing geographically-constrained draws, but we don't anticipate anyone other than the EBU using these. If you do run an inter-county knockout event, and need help figuring these features out, you can contact us.

Importing a CSV of teams

Files must be CSV-formatted, with no header row, and the following columns in order:

Team Name
Team SubName
Team County (used for national events, leave blank for local events)
Home Postcode (used for geographic draws, not necessary otherwise)
Team Captain EBU# (you can set additional captains later)
Team Player 2 EBU#
Team Player 3 EBU#
knockouts/knockouts-up.1457104936.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/02/14 15:17 (external edit)