Club Focus: Winter 2011


Welcome to this December issue of Club Focus. I am delighted to be able to inform you all that we have now fully realised the commitment that we made to all our clubs back in 2008 – to form an elected national club committee to ensure that our grass roots members have a voice at national level. It has taken us three years to get to this point and there has been a great deal of hard work along the way. Initially we appointed individuals from around the country to a national club committee so that our clubs were involved with the development of the processes for universal membership. Those individuals made an enormous contribution to the work that we have undertaken and I would like to publicly thank them all for the work that they have done which was above and beyond the call of duty. I would also like to thank Graham Jepson, our interim national club committee chairman, for his dedication to and understanding of our clubs and their players.

I would like to welcome Val Gibson as our new national club committee chairman. Val was elected as a director of the Board of the EBU in October; she is recently retired and is really excited to be involved with the development of our clubs. She explains how this structure will work in her article on the New National Club Committee.

I wish you all a happy and healthy 2012 when I hope you will enjoy your bridge and use the EBU to help you achieve your aims for your club and your members.

Sally Bugden, Chairman EBU