Universal Membership Code changes

As a consequence of a number of comments received by staff at Aylesbury and a recommendation from the Chief Tournament Director, the Board has reviewed the current arrangements surrounding the registration of, and charges for, sessions associated with teaching programmes using Universal Membership (P2P codes) 04, 11 and 22 and believes they need revising.

  1. Masterpoints can only be awarded for a club duplicate session where no help or assistance is provided to the players. Such sessions must comply with one of the many options detailed in the Masterpoint & Licensing Handbook. The relevant pay as you play membership subscription will be charged for these sessions. Masterpoints will be awarded and the session will count towards the NGS and magazine points.
  2. Clubs can choose to register other sessions. These sessions must consist of no more than 16 boards and would normally be part of a club’s teaching programme. The pay as you play membership subscription for these sessions will be 50% of the standard subscription charge. These sessions will earn participants magazine points but Masterpoints will not be awarded and the session will not count towards the NGS. The results from these sessions should be submitted to the EBU using Code 22.

These changes come into effect on 1 October 2014 and from that date Code 04 and Code 11 will not be accepted.