Club Management Focus: Spring 2016

Submitting results from Licensed Events

Please ensure when submitting results from licensed events that you use the correct code. These details are given on the documents which are provided when your license is sent to you – please check this before submitting your results.

Blue Point and Swiss events should be two-session events, and the results submitted as such.

The relevant Universal Membership codes to use are:
30 Licensed affiliated event (Swiss or non-Swiss).
40 Licensed affiliated charity event (Swiss or non-Swiss).
50 Affiliated/associated blue-pointed event, from 01/01/2013
60 Licensed county green-pointed event. Either an ODGP event or a
green pointed county congress.

Please take care to submit your results correctly.

Information on how to apply for a license for your event, and the relevant fees, can be found at Detailed information is also available in the EBU Licensing and Master Points Handbook