Members Survey - Canadian Playing Cards


We hope you didn't fall for our little trick.

We expect most of you thought the idea was implausible, and indeed there were some clues in the story that should have added to your doubt:

  • The change was to be made on 1st April.
  • First Officer Of Learning. - F.O.O.L.
  • Avril Sot are the French words for April and Fool

So yes, it isn't true, and we are sorry to disappoint any of you who thought it really was a good idea. If you had come here to let us know who you would have put on an English version of the cards then do please do tell us - we'd be interested to know.

Similarly, if you do have any novel ideas for encouraging young people to play the game, then please do share them. You never know, it might spark an initiative that really would work.