Club Stratified Sim Pairs

The Club Stratified Simultaneous Pairs is now complete and all the results and commentaries are available at the links below.

Monday 10th March Commentary Booklet
Tuesday 11th March Commentary Booklet
Wednesday 12th March Commentary Booklet
Thursday 13th March Commentary Booklet
Friday 14th March Commentary Booklet

Stratification levels

The main strat ‘A’ is open to everyone but if either member of the pair is a Tournament Master or above you will be in the ‘A’ strat and can only get master points from the overall ranking.

If both players are below the rank of Tournament Master they will be ‘B’ strat; both below Master in ‘C’ strat and both below District Master in ‘D’ strat.

Blue points and local points will be awarded to the top third of the overall ranking list. In addition the top third of each strat will get blue points and local points.

March 10, 2014