The EBU's Youth Policy

The EBU Youth Policy, recently approved by the EBU Board, is now available at (a word version is available here). The EBU commends this document to all of our affiliated clubs and counties. Our document embraces our understanding of the laws as they apply to us and we recommend adoption of this policy, if necessary after modifications to suit your particular circumstances. It is worth pointing out that each and every club, indeed whether affiliated or not, has a legal obligation to comply with the law of the land. It does not matter whether the club is a “once a week” village club, or a seven days a week proprietor owned club, the same laws apply.

In this case, while the policy document is called a “Youth Policy” it equally applies to Vulnerable Adults. The best place to obtain information on the Disclosure and Barring Service is here:…

The English Bridge Union wishes to make it clear that we are neither qualified or expert in this area. Our policy is based upon our understanding of applicable laws as they apply to the English Bridge Union. In case of doubt or ambiguity it is for the individual club or county to seek appropriate professional or legal advice where they think it is necessary.

March 16, 2015