Club Stratified Sim Pairs

The Club Stratified Simultaneous Pairs takes place this week and you'll be able to find all the results and commentaries at the links below. Results will be finalised, and Master Points credited, once all the results have been submitted and checked.

The results will be stratified based on four categories:

A One or both members of the pair are at, or above, ‘Tournament Master’
B Both members of the pair are below ‘Tournament Master’
C Both members of the pair are below ‘Star Master’
D Both members of the pair are below ‘District Master’

The A stratification is also the main stratification - anyone is eligible to win prizes for that stratification.

Blue points and local points will be awarded to the top third of the overall ranking list. In addition, the top 1/3 of each stratification will get blue points and local points. If you are entitled to overall points and points for your strat, you will only get the higher of the awards – you won’t get two lots of points.

Monday 12th March Commentary Booklet
Tuesday 13th March Commentary Booklet
Wednesday 14th March Commentary Booklet
Thursday 15th March Commentary Booklet

March 12, 2018