
Adrian Darnell

I was brought up in North Derbyshire. Following undergraduate study in maths & economics, and subsequent postgraduate study at Warwick, I joined Durham University in the mid 1970s as a Senior Research Assistant on a one-year contract. Some 40 plus years later, and having held a variety of positions (including Dean of Social Sciences, Principal of two Colleges and having been promoted to Professor of Economics in 1996), I left in 2017.


Rob Lawy

Bridge has always been an important part of my life. I learned to play in the 1960s and it was not long before I was playing a weekly duplicate at the local bridge club. I met my wife Helen, now of more than 30 years, at a bridge club. When my children were very young I took a 5 year break from the game, however I returned in the late 1980s and have continued to play since that time.


David Burn

David was born in 1956 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He was educated Dulwich College and Caius, Cambridge, and is an IT consultant. He has played for England in 7 Camrose matches, 1 European Championships and 1 World Olympiad.


David Bakhshi

David is one of the leading bridge professionals in the UK, with numerous successes in domestic and international tournaments. Over the last 30 years, he has represented England and Britain at both Junior and Open levels of competition. 

David began playing Bridge as a teenager, and during his Junior career, he represented Great Britain in three European Championships, and several Channel Trophy, Peggy Bayer and Junior Camrose events. 


Jeremy Dhondy

Jeremy was born in 1951 in North London. He started playing bridge at school and entered the London School 's League (80+ teams in those days and run by Maureen Hiron). In the second year his school team won the league when the auction at his team mates table was 2H(weak) by East all pass which made and at his table, without interruption, the auction by North South went 1D 1NT 2D 2NT 3D 3NT.

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