Bridge - It's a Big Deal! Festival Updates

We are delighted to say that we have smashed our target of raising £60k for Cancer Research UK and have so far received a total of £97,648.74 (+ £4,825.42 Gift Aid), with still more to come!

This fantastic achievement could not have been reached without the effort of the many volunteers at the clubs and counties around the country that have put in countless time and effort to run over 300 events as part of the Bridge - It's a Big Deal! Festival of Bridge. Not only has this been a great fund-raising effort, but it has also raised the profile of bridge throughout the country and involved affiliated and non-affiliated clubs, as well as the EBU and SBU working together. Thank you to every single person who has been involved. 

There are still a few events yet to take place, so look out for an event in your area. You can see further details from the events as well as news articles published for events across the country on the Festival Hub.



September 25, 2024