Next Generation Game Dates

The Generation Game, is a casual bridge event run by EBED on RealBridge. The next session will be held on Sunday 19th January, with future sessions on Sunday 16th February and Sunday 9th March.

The start time is 6.30pm and lasts for approximately 1 hour.

This monthly game gives families the chance to play bridge together (event from across the country). There is no upper age limit, so if you know someone in your family that would like to learn to play in a more informal setting, this might be the game for you.

At each session you will have a chance to compare your bidding and results against others playing the same boards at the same time. based on what we have experienced in the past 10 months that provided a lot of laughs.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Joan Bennett on 07548 782538 or by email to, to receive a link to the game.

January 6, 2025