Addis Page

d. 2021

Bridge was a major part of Addis's life, as both player and administrator. He hugely enjoyed the game, at club, county, and national level, and kept the trophy-engraver busy. At the national level, he and his regular partner Nigel Lancaster were frequent visitors to the EBU Summer Festival in Brighton, supporting both the EBU and the local brewery in equal measure. He was a Life Member of both Burnham Bridge Club and Berks & Bucks CBA. Addis gave much back to the bridge world. He served as Burnham Chairman for several years, Berks & Bucks Chairman for four years, and sat on the EBU's Tournament Committee for some 15 years. He was delighted to be asked to serve as the non-playing captain of the Berks & Bucks Tollemache team in 2010.