Joe Lazarus
Bridge Magazine
In the passing of Ben Franks the bridge-playing world has suffered a great loss, for he was not only an acknowledged expert but was also an invaluable example to all of perfect bridge behaviour. He will be remembered as much for his charm and graciousness as for his skill.
For many years Ben had been both close friend and bridge partner to me, and I am grateful to Bridge Magazine for allowing me to pay tribute to a man whose loss to me personally is impossible to assess. His understanding, sympathy, and tact was not confined to bridge-playing acquaintances but available to all who knew him. I know I could never find another partner with whom I had such rapport, nor a friend of greater constancy.
I leave it to others to play tribute to Ben's undoubted mastery of the game and his many successes; for myself , there is simply the knowledge that I have lost a true and sincere friend.
Major International Appearances
European Championships: 1959
Camrose Trophy Selections: 1949 1951 1952 and 1959
Gold Cup Winner: 1959
Crockfords winner: 1958
The Hubert Phillips Bowl Winner: 1939
National Pairs winner: 1958
Tollemache Cup winner: 1956