The untimely death of Cedric Vickerman whilst playing bridge at the club in his native Huddersfield will come as a shock to the many tournament players in this country to whom he has long been a familiar figure. Even if he had been a poor player his modesty, courtesy and willingness to think well both of opponents and partners made him outstanding in a game where such qualities are sometimes in short supply; but he was, in addition, a player of high quality, as his record of unbroken service to Yorkshire for nearly three decades plus a 1947 Camrose appearance amply proves. Bridge to him was an absorbing game almost from its start in the British Isles. He was a founder member of the Huddersfield Contract Bridge Association and will be sadly missed both in Huddersfield and on the Yorkshire Council, where his clear thinking and tact made him invaluable.
To me he was an ideal partner; to all a worthy opponent, and all who knew him will wish to extend their sympathy to his wife Barbara and their son Edward.