I am Charlotte (aka Lottie) from Newbury, Berkshire.
I first started playing Bridge aged 12 at the Wessex Junior Bridge Weekend. It was fun learning the game, playing Speedball, staying overnight at Cheltenham College and making new friends. I went on to play weekly duplicates at Newbury Bridge Club. After that, Giorgio Provenza asked me to join the England U16 squad’s Monday night practice on BBO. Covid-19 stopped face-to-face bridge but I played on the internet as much as I could – even some late-night ACBL games after the EBU games finished!
I did not need a passport for the first two years playing for England, as the furthest I had to travel was to my bedroom! Finally, in March, 2022, I had my first trip to Belgium for the Junior Channel Trophy in Belgium and I have just been selected for the July 2022 U16 European Championships in the Netherlands.
A favourite bridge memory was playing for England U16 in the 2022 Shapiro Spring Foursomes and being introduced to Peter Crouch and his partner, Zia Mahmood. Later that day, Zia was passing by my table just as I was rejecting a 2NT-4NT quantitative invitation to slam. He asked to look at my hand and nodded approvingly when I showed him my 21HCP missing three aces. He walked off and did not see me make 4NT+2 to which there was no defence!
A memorable hand is from the EBU Lady Milne Trial in 2021 played with fellow junior Lucy Norman. The deal was reported in the Daily Telegraph by Tom Townsend who said “one youngster outdid the field for optimism”. I was dealer with AQJ64/A/KJT6532/- opposite T97/J742/8/KJ743 and the uncontested auction went a routine 1D-1H-2S-2NT-6D-6S. A world champion led a club from 53/T853/A74/Q652 which I ruffed. I then advanced the Jack of diamonds which was taken with the ace (which turns out to be a mistake). I won the heart return, ruffed a diamond in dummy (dropping the queen), ran the ten of spades, repeated the spade finesse, drew the last trump and my hand was high!
Outside Bridge, I enjoy sport, and particularly netball where I play goal shooter for the local club in the Berkshire League, Div 1. I also play cricket for the local Falkland Cricket Club, as well as playing both sports competitively for school.
Last updated: 12th May 2022
Young Pair of the Year award 2022
Junior International Selections
Three Seas Trophy (U16): 2020
Leszek Nowak Memorial Trophy: 2020
Junior Channel Trophy: 2020 (U16 Eng) 2021 (U26W Eng) and 2023 (U26W EBU)
Peggy Bayer (England): 2022; 2023 (U26W) and 2024 (Eng)
World Youth Team Championships: 2023 (U26W)