The YCBA President, Hubert Castle, died peacefully on Thursday 20th February 2014.
He was Chairman of the YCBA from 1976 to 1990 and Chairman of Huddersfield BC for many years. Bridge was his chief hobby, closely followed by gardening and, in his younger days, tennis. He played with a series of partners including his wife Cath, to whom he was happily married for over sixty years. He leaves five grandsons and ten great-grandchildren.
He had passed his 100th birthday on 24th May last year.
On the day after his birthday the family had invited over thirty bridge players to join them for a celebration lunch at Woodsome Hall Golf Club. As he did not want any presents, Hubert had indicated that a donation to the Salvation Army would be appreciated. When the Salvationists heard about this, they responded by sending a band to play for us after lunch in glorious sunshine. Not even the family knew that he was interested in the Salvation Army. Asked why he had chosen them, Hubert replied: ‘Because it was the only place where I could get a bath when I was in the army!’
The Castle Swiss Pairs, named after him, continues to run every year at Huddersfield Bridge Club.