Hello and thanks for taking the time to read my bio! Since retiring from a working life in the online technology sector, my life goals have shifted to make a difference in the world bridge community including country and county. I'm honoured to join and work with the Board of the EBU and together with EBU staff to help provide the best possible products and services to Bridge players, clubs and counties in the country. I'm writing this in May 2020 during the Coronavirus crisis and the world is struggling to come to terms with how to transform itself back from the "new normal" of Lockdown to the old ways of life we yearn for. As the Bridge community has had to suddenly shift from face-to-face to online play, vastly more players are now seeing the pros and cons for themselves and the lightning fast speed of adaptation in the online world. It is a time of immense change in the Bridge world and also one of huge opportunity. Bridge is particularly well suited to play on devices, both online and offline, in ways that other mass sports and pastimes are not. The areas I am particularly interested in are:
- Bringing Bridge players and organisations to work together to solve challenging and important problems
- Transformations from Analogue to Digital: strategy, data, services
- Helping grow Bridge exponentially
- My uncle Esmond Bevan and his daughter taught my brother and I Bridge on his occasional visits to our childhood home and we would play very happy foursomes into the wee hours, developing my life-long love affair with Bridge. It was however another 10 years, because of work and family commitments, before I ventured into my first bridge club, The Avenue in Hove, and started relearning from the supportive members there - formal lessons were scarce in those days! Then another 12 year gap or so till Farnham where I spent many happy years and started playing congress bridge and now Louth, my new club. But now, as the poker player in me would say, "I'm all in!" If you have a deep interests in both technology and Bridge, do get in touch, I'd love to hear your ideas on how to move Bridge forward.
- Current role: member of the EBU technology Executive Working Group