Peggy died on 2nd November at the age of 92. As well as her contribution to Surrey, for which she received a Dimmie Fleming Award (see below) she also was a loyal member of Wimbledon BC, serving as Director and Chairman during her membership.
Dimmie Fleming Award citation - 2016
Peggy joined the Surrey Committee in 1994 and served the County for 21 years.
During that time, Peggy took on many onerous tasks and fulfilled a wide variety of roles on behalf of the County, including Congress Secretary (for 10 years), Match Secretary (for 13 years), Shareholder and league organiser.
Peggy was also the County’s Master Points Secretary for several years. In the days before computerisation and direct crediting, this was a particularly onerous job as at the end of the season master point cards had to be written for all the winners and league participants; in those days there were over 70 teams in Surrey’s County Knockout and Plate competition, not to mention the various leagues and numerous tournaments organised by the County.
Peggy also served as President in 2000 and 2005, during which time she visited many clubs and was a great ambassador for the County.