I started playing bridge whilst studying mathematics at university; it was there that I also started directing. After university, I did a couple of years in professional theatre before settling down to twenty years' work at the National Physical Laboratory as a computer scientist. I attended the some of the first County TD Courses in the early 1990s and worked my way up the ranks to EBU National TD. I attended an EBL Tournament Directors Course in 2004 and came first; I directed at the EBL Teams Championship that year, and then attained the rank of EBL Tournament Director. In 2013, I was responsible for the major revision of the EBU White Book, being seconded to the L&E committee. The following year, I was elected to the committee and continue to be responsible for the updates to the White Book. Among the EBU TDs I am the 'go to guy' for scoring issues, and in 2017 I created a manual for EBUScore Pairs to accompany the training courses. I have also been writing the commentaries for some simultaneous pairs events. In July 2017, I joined the EBU staff in the role of Deputy Chief Tournament Director. My wife and two daughters do not play bridge but they do know how to set up bidding boxes and bridgemates, and they listen patiently to stories of what horrors players have perpetrated. Last updated: July 2017