Premier Life & Life Masters Pairs 2021
X-IMPs/comparisons are capped at 25 IMPs per match. The scores below have been adjusted where necessary to put this into effect and to include any weighted rulings.
      Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Overall
Rank     XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn
1 Shahzaad Natt & Ambrose Holmes Mackie LMP 331 25 33.10 562 25 56.20 627 24 62.70 170 25 17.00 1690.0 99 169.00
2 Giles Ip & Gabriel Ip PLM 479 25 47.90 522 25 52.20 710 24 71.00 -70 25 -7.00 1641.0 99 164.10
3 Daniel Miller & Colin Jones PLM 137 25 13.70 240 25 24.00 253 24 25.30 -19 25 -1.90 611.0 99 61.10
4 Tom Slater & Alec Smalley PLM 53 25 5.30 185 25 18.50 -137 24 -13.70 420 25 42.00 521.0 99 52.10
5 James Hobden & Alan Hobden PLM -91 25 -9.10 272 25 27.20 -284 24 -28.40 582 25 58.20 479.0 99 47.90
6 Peter Foster & John Liebeschuetz PLM 217 25 21.70 -107 25 -10.70 406 24 40.60 -59 25 -5.90 457.0 99 45.70
7 David Harrison & Paul Thornton PLM 59 25 5.90 61 25 6.10 380 24 38.00 -109 25 -10.90 391.0 99 39.10
8 Barbara Hackett & Martin Taylor LMP 258 25 25.80 -88 25 -8.80 -41 24 -4.10 83 25 8.30 212.0 99 21.20
9 Malcolm Burch & Malcolm Pollack LMP -167 25 -16.70 72 25 7.20 -33 24 -3.30 284 25 28.40 156.0 99 15.60
10 Christopher Wilson & Matthew Covill LMP 101 25 10.10 -85 25 -8.50 -89 24 -8.90 -4 25 -0.40 -77.0 99 -7.70
11 Ben Ritacca & John Arblaster LMP -199 25 -19.90 -6 25 -0.60 -47 24 -4.70 93 25 9.30 -159.0 99 -15.90
12 Szczepan Smoczynski & Franklin To LMP -184 25 -18.40 -126 25 -12.60 312 24 31.20 -164 25 -16.40 -162.0 99 -16.20
13 Alan Sia & Derek Maggs PLM -336 25 -33.60 -50 25 -5.00 90 24 9.00 105 25 10.50 -191.0 99 -19.10
14 Andy Hall & Robert Plumley PLM -136 25 -13.60 264 25 26.40 -210 24 -21.00 -161 25 -16.10 -243.0 99 -24.30
15 Gina Dickson & Martin Greeley LMP -37 25 -3.70 -104 25 -10.40 -281 24 -28.10 166 25 16.60 -256.0 99 -25.60
16 Julie Grant & Ian Grant PLM 224 25 22.40 -572 25 -57.20 -269 24 -26.90 305 25 30.50 -312.0 99 -31.20
17 Simon Husband & Simon Barb PLM -2 25 -0.20 -176 25 -17.60 -143 24 -14.30 -239 25 -23.90 -560.0 99 -56.00
18 Lesley Lewis & Andrew Bennett PLM -210 25 -21.00 -320 25 -32.00 -157 24 -15.70 -91 25 -9.10 -778.0 99 -77.80
19 Christine Kempton & Norman Inniss PLM -199 25 -19.90 -324 25 -32.40 32 24 3.20 -288 25 -28.80 -779.0 99 -77.90
20 Mary Andrew & Margaret Crangle PLM 77 25 7.70 -125 25 -12.50 -507 24 -50.70 -269 25 -26.90 -824.0 99 -82.40
21 David Beck & Keith Joules LMP -177 25 -17.70 24 25 2.40 -386 24 -38.60 -330 25 -33.00 -869.0 99 -86.90
22 Joan Murphy & David Killick PLM -249 25 -24.90 -120 25 -12.00 -226 24 -22.60 -453 25 -45.30 -1048.0 99 -104.80