Dear EBU member
This information relates to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into effect on 25th May 2018, and which you may have seen referenced in English Bridge magazine or on our website, in the wider media, or in emails from other organisations.
If you are content with the information that we hold, how we process it, how we currently contact you, etc, then you do not need to do anything. Unlike other organisations who may have contacted you recently, due to the EBU's position as a membership organisation we do not need you to grant consent for your information to be used, and you do not need to reply or complete any forms.
In any other instances your first action should be to update your preferences through My EBU (see below for details on accessing My EBU).
How the EBU is complying
The purpose of the GDPR is to provide a set of standard data protection laws across the EU, making it easier for you to understand how your data is being used and to give you greater control over its use.
The EBU undertakes to collect and use your personal data in compliance with the GDPR.
Our legal basis for processing this data is our legitimate interest as a membership organisation.
We use the data for the administration of your membership, the communication of information and the organisation of events. We only share your contact details with English Bridge Education & Development (EBED) and your county of affiliation; we provide a limited amount of data for use by scoring programs to ensure that they correctly identify members.
We have a Privacy Notice - - on the EBU website which is where you can find full details of all these matters including:
• What data we collect and what we use it for
• Where we get it from and who we give it to
• What we do to ensure its security
• How you can see what data we hold about you and limit its use
• How you can ask for inaccuracies in data to be corrected
You can see the information which we hold for you in My EBU - the members' area of the website. This can be found at There you can update this information, and change your preferences if you prefer that, for example, we do not publish your name in the list of Master Point promotions, or that we do not send you emails.
Accessing My EBU
To access My EBU go to You should log-in using your EBU number (given at the top of this email) and password. If you do not know your password (or don't think you ever had one) then it can be reset by going to and following the instructions so you are sent an email which includes a link so it can be reset. The information and preferences which you may wish to change can be found by choosing My Details from the Account menu in the top right of the screen.
Your data and your bridge club/county
It is the responsibility of all bridge clubs and County Bridge Associations to comply with the GDPR. The EBU has made available to all affiliated clubs and CBAs information to help them to comply, along with templates which they can personalise, based on our understanding of the circumstances which will apply to the majority of clubs and CBAs. Please note, however, that all clubs and CBAs operate separately to the EBU, so it is up to the clubs and CBAs to implement the laws as necessary for their specific circumstances, so how each club/CBA approaches this task may differ. Your first point of contact relating to how you club/CBA handles the GDPR should be the officials at your club/CBA.
Permit your club to access or update your information which the EBU holds (or stop it doing so)
Each club has its own account on My EBU, in which it has a list of its members. In some instances the club officials who have access to the account will be able to see the members' full information, and the club official will be able to make updates to this information (for example, if you change your email address, and tell your club, they can make a change which will update our system). In other situations for some members they can see, but not edit, the information. And in other situations the club official cannot see, or edit, most of the information which the EBU holds for a member.
If you joined the EBU before 2010, or if you were already an EBU member when you joined a certain bridge club, then the default position is that club has only limited access to your information and cannot edit it. If you wish to change this setting, so your club can pass on updates to the EBU, then you need to change your preferences in My EBU. Log on, and choose My Details from the Account menu in the top right of the screen. Towards the bottom of that page is an option to change your club's access to your data. In the screenshot below (available here if it does not display on your screen) Thame BC have been given permission to both view and change the member's information, but Loughborough BC cannot do either. If only the 'view' box were then ticked then Loughborough could see the information, but not change it. For the club to be able to be update the information (so that it updates the EBU's records, so the member doesn't also have to notify the EBU if, for example, their email address changed), then the 'change' box should be ticked.

Please note that Loughborough BC can still see on their membership list the member's name, EBU number, and the town they live in (but not their address), to help them establish that they have added the correct person.
Of course if you want to restrict access then you would need to untick such boxes if they are already ticked.
You may therefore want to have a look at this section to check your preferences are as you would wish them to be.
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If you have any questions relating to the GDPR or our Privacy Policy then please don't hesitate to contact us, however please remember:
- you only need to take action if you specifically want to change something - if you are content then you do not need to do anything
- all your details and preferences (with the exception of your county allegiance) can be changed yourself through My EBU. Please make all changes yourself and do not reply to this email notifying us of changes.
- queries relating to how your club/county are implementing the policy should be directed to your club/county
Kind regards,
Peter Stockdale
EBU Communications Officer
Tel. 01296 317215