Bridge for All is the complete learn and play programme developed for the English Bridge Union and promoted through English Bridge Education and Development (EBED). The bidding system used is Acol, which is the most common method used in England, and is recommended for all beginners. Bridge for All is the nationally approved method of learning the game so that the student can progress from learner, through intermediate to expert. All teaching materials and student notes are included in the course fee and your teacher has been trained in their effective use. Bridge for All teachers are members of the English Bridge Teachers Association (EBTA), which provides all the training needed to be a successful teacher. Most important of all, Bridge for All teachers recognise that learning should be fun. Students should look forward eagerly to the next class! As a bonus, students are given 12 month membership of the English Bridge Union, which brings a range of membership benefits (see below) The courses are comprehensive and fun and you will learn a lot! Information on becoming a Bridge for All teacher can be found here. Information on the Bridge For All system, including system cards for downloading and a complete system file are available here.
Learning Curve
After the first half of the course you should be able to:
- Say what suits, tricks, trumps and scoring are
- Understand how the game is played
- Plan how to take the tricks in a simple no trump contract
- Draw trumps and play a simple suit contract
- Defend a hand, making leads and following suit as required
- Open the bidding with a 1NT bid and make appropriate responses
- Open the bidding with a suit (e.g. 1♣) and respond to the opening bid
- Recognise whether this is a game or part score hand
- Play a social game with friends or in a small friendly game in class
By the end of the year you should be able to:
- As a declarer, plan and play the hand
- As a defender, choose and play a sensible opening lead
- Work out how contracts might be beaten
- Compete when the opponents open the bidding, choosing between suit and no trump overcalls and takeout doubles
- Respond after partner opens or overcalls with one no trump
- Be able to open the bidding with 2♣ to show very strong hands and respond
- Be able to open the bidding with long weak suits and respond (e.g. 3♠)
- Describe to others the system you have learned
- Enjoy playing bridge at home or in the classroom and know about the opportunities for playing with others
- Play bridge, not needing the teacher standing by!
- Enter a simple duplicate competition at the club
How do I join a Class?
The English Bridge Union holds complete details of accredited teachers and you can also find details of Full and Professional members of EBTA in your area through the EBU Directory. Once you find a teacher, do ask if Bridge for All is being used. Teachers start their courses throughout the year although the autumn is the traditional time for courses to begin. Most teachers teach privately or in conjunction with their club, but some Adult Education classes are still available. Courses are available all over England and are held in bridge clubs, village halls, teachers' homes etc. This is in addition to Adult Education centres. When classes stop you will want to keep playing. Some teachers run their own beginners and improvers clubs so there is a natural progression from the classes. Otherwise students are encouraged to join a local club (which may have its own Improvers Section, where the club is large enough). From the very beginning you will be playing friendly organised bridge, since it forms an integral part of the teaching. Mini-competitions provide the ideal basis for revision of topics and practice of the skills acquired. So when classes stop you will feel confident enough to venture out of the classroom; and play with players of similar ability. Very soon you will be saying 'I don't know what I did before I took up bridge'.
Membership Benefits
- A welcome pack on joining, including an 18 month EBU diary.
- The magazine English Bridge, sent to members 6 times a year.
- The Ruffian, a special publication for newcomers to bridge.
- Access to special offers through The Bridge Warehouse
- A helpline (01296 317217) to answer your questions
- The opportunity to attend Really Easy weekend bridge breaks for students
- A nationwide simultaneous bridge contest once a year played in your classroom.
Bridge for All helpline
For help and information on Bridge for All, students or teachers should contact: Lisa Miller English Bridge Education & Development Broadfields, Bicester Road Aylesbury HP19 8AZ Tel: 01296 317217 email: The helpline is open from 9:00am to 3:00 pm Monday to Friday