EBU Teacher Directory Help

Return to the teacher directory

This help page is mainly targeted at teachers. There are two directories, https://www.ebu.co.uk/explore/teachers/ which is for use by all teachers and https://www.ebu.co.uk/directory which is only to be used by EBTA teachers. This help page is mainly focussed on the first directory. Both teacher directories are aimed at helping potential students find someone to teach them Bridge.

Teacher directory screenshot

I'm a Bridge teacher. How can I be included in this directory?

This directory is open to all Bridge teachers who are members of the EBU. To be included you will need to log in to My EBU and go to the "My Details" page, which can be found under the account menu.

Account menu screenshot

Then tick the "I teach Bridge" option. This will enable the teaching menu (it will already be enabled if you are an EBTA teacher).

My Details page screenshot

You should then fill out the details on the "info" page under the teaching menu to set up your teacher directory entry.

Info menu screenshot

Why don't I show up in the directory?

To show up, you will need to have completed your teacher details in My EBU. There are several reasons why you may not show up in this directory.

  • The directory is updated nightly, so if you have only recently completed your directory entry, you will need to wait until the next day before you appear.
  • The "Make Details Public" and "I agree to offer my students EBU Student Membership" must be checked to show in this directory. Screenshot of make details public and EBU agreement checkboxes
  • If you still don't show, it may be that you haven't checked the field for "Looking for New Students". This corresponds to the Vacancies filter on the directory page. If this is the case, then you will only be visible in the directory when the Vacancies filter is also unchecked. Screenshot of looking for new students checkbox
  • If you don't show on a postcode search, then you should make sure that your "Teaching Location" is correct. Click the "Enter Teaching Postcode" button and enter the postcode of where you teach, then click save. Teacher location setting

How do the two directories differ?

The EBED directory is only available to EBTA teachers. The EBU directory can include any teachers.

Why doesn't the postcode search work?

Postcodes must be valid UK postcodes. If a postcode doesn't work, then it might not be in our database. Try entering just the first half of your postcode. This is more likely to work, although the search results will be less accurate. Unfortunately, we do not support postcodes in the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands. If you are a teacher having issues with postcodes, then please contact the EBU as we will be able to manually enter your location.

How do I make my students members of the EBU?

This can be done by logging in to My EBU and going to the "Students" page under the "Teaching" menu. Then click on "Generate URL" to get the link for your student sign up form. You can either send this link to your students, or you can fill out the form yourself on their behalf. This will turn your students into student members of the EBU.

Screenshot of students page under the teacher menu

Why do some of the teacher page have comments?

We asked students to recommend teachers to the EBU. We have included quotes from the students on the pages of the relevant teachers.

What do I need to do if I teach under 18s?

When filling out your teacher settings, you can check the field for teaching under 18s. You will need to be DBS checked for this. We can help EBU affiliated clubs that wish to have their teachers DBS checked. A fee may be involved with this. Please contact karen@ebu.co.uk if you need a DBS check.

How do I report an issue with the directory?

Please report any issues/bugs with the directory to harry@ebu.co.uk