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Blue Book 7 B 1 - Clarification

In reviewing Partnership Understandings: Level 4 --- 7B1 (iii) Any meaning showing at least four cards in a specified suit, forcing or not.

Perhaps I have missed something, but the number of cards should be three (same as Level 2 better minor scenario).


  • I think that comes under 7B1(c)

    "Any distribution that satisfies the requirements for a natural 1NT opening."

    Since the statement about opening on 3-card suits is

    "... including the possibility of a three-card minor suit opening on some balanced hands. 6C3

  • What you are missing is the other three options included under 7B1. Three card minors (or indeed doubletons) are included in 7B1(i)c:

    (i) Forcing or not, showing any combination of the following hand types:
    c) Any distribution that satisfies the requirements for a natural 1NT opening (see 7B3(i)
    below) subject to the minimum strength requirement of 7A3 for suit openings.

    The bit you quoted would allow you to play 1C as showing 4+ hearts, for example.

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