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NGS Weighting?

I have been asked the question whether the NGS is adjusted based on number of boards in a session? So assuming the same field grade of say 50% for both duplicates, would a score of 60% achieved in a 24 board duplicate improve your NGS 'twice' as much as in a 12 board duplicate?


  • Having played in the EBU 12 board sessions, I believe the answer is yes, that is a 12 board session only has half the impact as if you are say plus 10.00 to par as a 24 boars session.

  • Looking at the NGS documentation for Pairs, there is a 'decay of effect of previous boards played', but I don;t see any maths that show the actual number of boards played in a session contributing towards the the session NGS, so it appears that 60% in a 12 board session has a similar value to 60% in a 96 board session. In fact the NGS document only seems to use algebra on 'Final Session Percent scores'. The only difference is the decaying effect over 2000 boards where the 96 boards will have a longer effect retrospectively. The person who was asking had a few approx 70% sessions in the EBU duplicates and saw a dramatic increase but that doesnt seem to have been your experience. In general, its much harder to achieve high scores as the session gets longer, but I dont see where this is accounted in the NGS documented formula?

  • The NGS is based on number of boards, not number of sessions.

    The other factor that not everyone realises is that national games and others awarding Green Points have double weight.

  • Thanks for clarification !

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