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Accidental exposure of opponent's card(s)??

A slightly quirky hypothetical from last night's game:
My RHO put her hand down on the table such that it was resting on the corner of my scorecard. I picked up my scorecard without noticing, and her cards naturally shifted as I did so, remaining face down.
Suppose I had picked up the scorecard with sufficient vigour to turn some of them over - what would happen then? Law 24 does not seem to cover the accidental exposure of an opponent's card!


  • It doesn't, Law 24 specifically refers to "by their own error", which seems a bit harsh in this instance. The laws on recieving Extraneous Information might be relevant. 16D I think, Extraneous information from other sources.

    Admittedly, this law mainly deals with a player recieving extraneous information, whereas in this case 2 or 3 players are getting the same information. Paraphrasing a bit, the director has to judge whether you can sensibly play the hand, and should adjust the score if he feels the effect of the hand has been affected.

  • The introduction to the Laws provides that the singular includes the plural etc. unless the context "clearly dictates otherwise", which I am sure it doesn't here. I am confident that it is right to apply Law 16D.

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