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Opening the bidding with a Double

It did happen, 2nd in hand after a Pass.
Fortunately nothing said about what the doubler thought had been opened.

The double was corrected to 1H the bidding proceeded normally 1H - 1S - 1NT 15-16 .... so no problem.

After the Double some opening bids would immediately convey UI, e.g. 1NT = 10-12
and an unlikely one 4S = a V. strong 4S.
As the bidding develops it may be that inferences can be drawn e.g.
opener won't have a minimum 5-5
1C - 1S - 2C probably not 6 Clubs.
So still possible UI for the (overworked) playing TD to consider ?


  • There is a problem, which is that the appropriate law was not applied. If it had been, there wouldn't be this concern about UI.

    A. Offender’s LHO Calls before Rectification
    If offender’s LHO calls before rectification of an inadmissible
    double or redouble the inadmissible call and all subsequent
    calls are cancelled. The auction reverts to the player whose
    turn it was to call and proceeds as though there had been no
    irregularity. The lead restrictions in Law 26B do not apply.
    B. Offender’s LHO does not Call before Rectification
    When A does not apply:
    1. any double or redouble not permitted by Law 19 is
    2. the offender must substitute a legal call, the auction
    continues, and the offender’s partner must pass
    whenever it is his turn to call.
    3. Law 72C may apply. The lead restrictions in Law 26B
    may apply.
    4. if the call is out of turn the auction reverts to the
    player whose turn it was to call, the offender may
    make any legal call at his turn, and his partner must
    pass whenever it is his turn to call. Law 72C may
    apply. The lead restrictions in Law 26B may apply.
    C. Irregularity Discovered after the Auction Period
    When attention is drawn to an inadmissible double or
    redouble only after the opening lead has been faced, the
    final contract is scored as if the inadmissible call had not
    been made.

  • Thank you Gordon
    I'll mention that to the Director who perhaps got distracted by the hilarity at the table.
  • Thank you Gordon
    I'll mention that to the Director who perhaps got distracted by the hilarity at the table.

    Easily done. I heard of a table who played out a hand in NT after four passes and then wanted to know how to score it!

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