Home EBU TDs

Incorrect number of cards

The following situation was related to me.

Declarer is playing in a suit contract. During the course of play a defender ruffs the second round of diamonds, play carries on, with four or five cards left declarer claims the rest of the tricks. defenders agree and the cards are returned to the board. Later that evening, looking at the hand records, declarer noticed that the defender who ruffed the second round of diamonds actually had two diamonds. On checking further the next day he found that this had happened at two more tables before it was discovered that the defender in question had been playing with twelve cards, the missing card, a diamond, having fallen at a previous table.

Nobody called for a review and there was no follow up, but if one was requested how should the TD rule? Award A-/A+? Law 14 does not seem to cover this situation.


  • Law 14B, and more specifically 14B4, covers exactly this situation if the situation was noticed prior to the end of the Correction Period. The missing card "is deemed to have belonged continuously to the deficient hand", and normal revoke rectification applies.

  • And someone (or sometwo or somethree) should get a pp for failing to count their cards.

  • @Notagain said:
    ..., and normal revoke rectification applies.

    Not the rectification of Law 64A because the round had ended (Law 64B5). Only the restoration of equity under Law 64C.

  • @Notagain said:
    Law 14B, and more specifically 14B4, covers exactly this situation if the situation was noticed prior to the end of the Correction Period. The missing card "is deemed to have belonged continuously to the deficient hand", and normal revoke rectification applies.

    Thanks for drawing my attention to the reference to the Correction Period. With the reference being in parenthesis my eyes appear to have passed over it without reading it. Looked but did not see!

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