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IT Recovery during second session of Swiss Event

I spent yesterday afternoon practicing disaster recovery using the excellent document StanC shared in another thread.
What happens if the laptop fails during the second session of a Swiss Event?
I'm presuming that the first session has gone from the Server so the data from that session is lost.
Should I back up the events file from the first session onto a memory stick, cloud, or by email before starting the second?
Or is the data recoverable some other way?
Thanks for any insight

Peter Bushby Suffolk


  • For EBU events, we run them all with the data files located in a remote server - initially we used Google Drive and more recently we use Sync, though I know others use Dropbox. The advantage of this is not only if the laptop fails, but if it gets stolen, or if you need someone to look at the data remotely.

  • Thanks Gordon

    Peter Bushby Suffolk

  • The database is stored in a file in a folder called 'Databases' in the installation folder. For a multi session event, it will be named as
    Eventdd-S1-mmmdd-yyyy.bws for session 1
    Eventdd-S2-mmmdd-yyyy.bws for session 2 etc etc
    so the data is essentially always retrievable.

    You can use the BridgemateScoring > Read All Results button (after creating database) if you ever need to recover results (and you dont need a server connection for that). I have done this occasionally after someone has deleted an event after it has been run.

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