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Swiss Pairs

We have done a quick "dry" run through EBUScore Swiss Pairs using bridgemates. Set up as 7 tables, 5 rounds 3 boards per round. One pair sitting. We got a result, but perplexingly when we did the assignments for rounds 2 and 5 on one table (not the same one) in each round came up with a "BYE" for both pairs on the those particular bridgemates. The assignments page in EBUscore showed all pairs moving and the travellers showed that they all moved and were correctly scored against each other. The bridgemates that they should have been directed to showed the correct pairs for those rounds.
Anyone any ideas? Is it just a "quirk"? Is it because we have used small numbers? Or too many rounds for the number of tables?

I have seen Robin's article page 24 latest EBU mag and know that 3 boards are too little and 5 rounds too much but this was a dry run. We are prepared in case this happens during the real thing but do we have a bigger problem?
Many thanks


  • edited November 2019

    Ok Thanks Name removed at contributor's request .

    We had worked out the new assignments but was worried that there was something else that we had wrong causing the problerm. Will do the "back" bit in future.


  • We find at congresses that when it happens it is usually because someone has been repeatedly pressing the key before the announcement about assignments has been made, though that shouldn't have happened in a dummy run.

  • edited December 2019

    This can happen in large swiss pairs fields and as ** [Name & original comment removed at contributor's request]** advises, you can press the BACK key to get the right assignment. The critical action is that before you 'announce' that the assignment are on the BMs, you ensure the External Report is complete on the BCS screen AND that you have CLOSEd that report. As Gordon says, its often the players impatience on the BM keys that can interfere. With a large (say 50+) table event, it takes a second or two for the transmission.

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