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EBU SERVICES 3 : Communications about bridge for player members (magazine; diary; website).

This thread is for any thoughts on what this service comprises, what qualitative aspects of it are important, of how important this is across the whole spectrum of services. See the last item on the MISSION thread for context.


  • I think that there has to be something useful for a wide range of players...
    Something needs to attract new players to the EBU website, to get them checking their NGS etc
    Something that comes to mind is perhaps utilising BBO and borrowing a lesson from them... They run a weekly free tournament - how difficult/expensive would it be to offer an EBU only tournament every week (or month)? Players enter in their EBU number, which then gives the EBU the option to stratify all the results for players - 2, 3, 4 etc so that players can compare their results to others in their skill level. They can also then look at higher level players to look at what they bid to etc.
    Whilst this is not, in itself, a communication with players, it is nevertheless a draw for players to come to the web page so that other communications will be seen?

  • For many years, I received my EBU diary, marvelled at the beauty of it and resolved to make maximum use of it.
    Every year, the same question arose; 'why doesn't the EBU allow a choice of "traditional" and "filofax-type" diaries?'
    Then, I retired, the need for a filofax diminished and I was drawn back to the beautiful EBU diary.
    But my schedule is, nowadays, contained entirely within MicroSoft Outlook; I access my "diary" via wi-fi and my smartphone. No paper version exists, no real need for a paper EBU diary ... but the wealth of information contained in it - the congress dates, the TD/referee phone numbers (especially those who will take a call into the small hours, bless them) all vital information to a bridge player (even a retired one) so now I'm thinking "why doesn't the EBU give us access to an online version on the diary information, possibly in a format compatible with MS Outlook?"
    Dear EBU, I apologise but we are a shifting audience; what you poll us on today will be different tomorrow.

  • I import the EBU calendar into my google calendar and like the above poster don't need or use a paper diary. You can pick whether you want all or just some of the overlays. Works very well and updates automatically. I believe you can import it also into Outlook but that may need confirmation (Google Calendar and Outlook are compatible).

  • edited September 2020

    The website (about to undergo a serious change) is very much geared to reference data for the more experienced players and seems opaque or irrelevant to new players. Is that where we want it to be? If not, how do we fix that?

    Recent surveys suggest that many players have no idea what or how much/little the EBU does in tackling these mission components. Are we lacking noddy guides to what the EBU does?

  • My personal view is that our home page should be geared to those enquiring about bridge or looking for somewhere to play. "Play or learn bridge" should be the theme of the home page. All the reference information will still be there and those who need it will find it.


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