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Brown Sticker Convention

Here is a convention played by a pair, which the opponents said should be classified as a Brown Sticker convention. This was disputed.

"2D Opening = Weak in a Major can be 5 cards ( If 5 cards then good suit only ) or more and have the following structure of responses

2D = Pass = D 6 cards or more

2H* = P or Correct by bidding 2S with Spades suit

2S= To play

2NT= 15+ GF Relay with artificial responses

           -3C = 5M + at least 4 in OM --> 3D Asks then 3H/3S= 4in the bid & 3NT= 55MM

            -3D= 6 hearts

            - 3H = 6S

             -3S= 5H + Any 4+ minor

             - 3NT= 5S + Any 4+ minor

3C= Nat NF

3D=10-13 Invite to Game in Partner's Major

3H= Not invite Pass or correct "

How would this panel rule?


  • Looks brown sticker to me, as there is no known suit and it shows a weak hand.

  • edited August 2021

    Could this open on a 5332 shape? If so, there doesn't seem to be a response available to the 2NT ask.

    In any case, it's brown sticker unless there's some sort of exception for the Multi available, but there often will be (e.g. EBU Level 5 allows everything that's legal at EBU Level 4 even if it's Brown Sticker, and that includes a multi). Although I'm not quite sure, I think this sort of multi complies with BB 7C1b(iv)1, even if 5332 isn't a possibility: every weak option guarantees either five hearts or five spades, and thus it's legal even though 5M4!d is one of the possible options (because it's a "5 of a major" bid, not a "5-4 either way" bid).

    I note that the WBF systems policy linked from the EBU website (http://www.worldbridge.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/WBFSystemsPolicy.pdf) appears to have an explicit exception for the Multi, even though the copy of it in the Blue Book doesn't (presumably it was deemed unnecessary given that the Multi is legal at level 4): "EXCEPTION: a two level opening bid in a minor showing a weak two in either major, whether with or without the option of strong hand types containing 16 high card points or more, or with equivalent values.". I think that this call would fit into the WBF exception (in addition to the EBU exception), and thus would not be Brown Sticker under WBF rules. (Taking advantage of this exception in WBF events does cause a slight downgrading of rights – pairs are allowed to make notes on the defence that they're using against this sort of bid, and refer to those notes at the table, they don't have to memorise their defence like they would for most conventions.)

    In any case, it will be important to look at the actual systems policy of the tournament in question – if this is an EBU event, the fact that the call is Brown Sticker is likely to be irrelevant because we allow Brown Sticker bids that are legal at level 4 (BB 9A1a).

  • Don't the multi options have to have a strong option? This one is just weak with 5+ hearts or weak with 5+ spades by the looks of it...

  • Not any more, that rule was repealed several years ago now. Weak-only multis have been considered just as legitimate as weak/strong multis for a while.

  • It is essentially a "weak-only Multi". It is not Brown Sticker.

    "The following conventions or treatments are categorised as ‘Brown Sticker’:
    Any opening bid of two clubs through three spades that:
    could be made on 9 High Card Points or less
    does not promise at least four cards in a known suit.
    EXCEPTION: The bid always shows at least four cards in a known suit if it is weak. If the bid does not show a known four card suit it must show a hand with 13 High Card Points or more. (Explanation: Where all the weak meanings show at least four cards in one known suit, and the strong meanings show a hand with 13 High Card Points or more, it is not a Brown Sticker Convention.)
    EXCEPTION: a two level opening bid in a minor showing a weak two in either major, whether with or without the option of strong hand types containing 16 high card points or more, or with equivalent values."

    The first exception means that the Multi 2 :club: is permitted at WBF Cat 3
    The second exception means that both ordinary Multi 2 :diamond: and Weak-only Multi 2 :diamond: are permitted at WBF Cat 3.
    (All these Multis are permitted at EBU Level 4)

    Barrie Partridge - CTD for Bridge Club Live

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