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Possibility of a player asking a question to elicit wrong response from opponents. How should TD determine whether this law applies? A player yesterday asked a question about a double of a transfer bid which had occurred earlier in the auction. The player says he was asking so he could decide whether to double the final contract. If he hadn't asked and assumed that the bid was the usual meaning (i.e lead directing with values in the suit) he says he would have doubled and got a better score. The explanation was half correct but as this is the kind of thing that doesn't get mentioned on convention cards, I have to assume that a full explanation as the the doubler held values and length in the suit bid as a transfer. It is possible that the questioner was asking questions to give him an opportunity to hedge his bets, but how should this be handled in the ruling? I actually gave a weighted score which still gave him a an extra 200 in a teams event. Should I have let the score stand?


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