The Dimmie Fleming Award

The English Bridge Union is proud to announce that the following people have been awarded the prestigious Dimmie Fleming Award for services to bridge. The awards are made specifically to publicly recognise those who have worked hard promoting bridge locally at County level. Congratulations to all of them. About the Award Who was Dimmie Fleming?

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2024 Winners

Irene Davies (Manchester) (to be presented locally)
Jeff Smith (Lancashire) (picture)
Darren Evetts (Warwickshire) (received locally)
Trevor Thrower (Northamptonshire) (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2023 Winners

Jim Parker (Derbyshire) (picture)
Ruth Edmondson (Devon)
Fred Kissack (Isle of Man) (picture)
Paul Cutler (Staffs & Shrops)
Lesley Millet (Yorkshire) (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2022 Winners

Derek Marsh & Janet Marsh (Bedfordshire) (picture)  
Carol Ritzen (Devon) (picture)  
Sati McKenzie (London) (picture)  
Bernard Kaye (Merseyside & Cheshire) (picture)  
Trevor Hobson (Surrey) (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2021 Winners

Sarah Mathews (Herefordshire)  
Dick Pathan (Leicestershire) (picture)  
John Wilcox (Leicestershire) (picture)  
Malcolm Carey (Suffolk) (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2020 Winners

Elizabeth Kelly, Manx Bridge Union (picture)
Pat Beasley, Leicestershire (picture)
Neil Beasley, Leicestershire (picture
Peter Pennington-Smith, Norfolk (picture)
John Withers, Staffs & Shrops (picture)
Dick Wheeler, Sussex (picture)
Elayne Meakin, Warwickshire (picture)
Stuart Davies, Yorkshire (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2019 Winners

Bernie Hunt, Essex (picture)
Austin Barnes, Lancashire (picture)  
Liz Stevenson, Merseyside & Cheshire (picture)
Paul Wilson, Middlesex (picture)
Maureen Kimbley, Norfolk (picture)
Sheila Coda, Somerset (picture)
Shirley Pritchard, Surrey (picture)
Phil Bennett, Wiltshire (picture)
Janet Latham, Yorkshire (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2018 Winners

Nigel Thompson, Berks & Bucks (picture)
David Man, Cambs & Hunts (picture)
John Honey, Channel Islands (picture)
Monica Aitken, Kent (picture)
Jacqueline Wright, Lancashire (picture)
Glynn Elwick, Lincolnshire (picture)
Andrea Galpin, Sussex (picture)
Katharine Hodgson, Wiltshire (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2017 Winners

Audrey Hartley, Essex  
David Muller, London  
Terence Treeby, Devon  
Mervyn Wotton, Sussex

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2016 Winners

David Anning, Kent  
Julia Brough , Surrey  
Peggy Griffin, Surrey  
Ron Heath Dorset and Surrey  
Chris Larlham, Cambs & Hunts

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2015 Winners

2015 Dimmie Fleming Winners: From left: David Burgess, Nottinghamshire, Joan Burgess, Nottinghamshire, David Galpin, Sussex, Elizabeth Muir, North East & Colin Woods, Cumbria

Barry Brelsford, Lancashire  
David Burgess, Nottinghamshire (picture)
Joan Burgess, Nottinghamshire (picture)
Bernard Eddleston, Hertfordshire  
David Galpin, Sussex (picture)
Elizabeth Muir, North East (picture)
Leslie Reece, Warwickshire  
Geoff Smith, Kent  
Charlotte Vine, Middlesex  
Colin Woods, Cumbria (picture)

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2014 Winners

Jim Barker, Cornwall  
Joy Mayall, Sussex  
Mike Mollart-Rogerson, Hants & IOW  
Robert Northage, Leicestershire  
Bob Warrender, Somerset

The Dimmie Fleming Award - 2013 Winners

Tony Philpot, Essex (1st photo above, with John Williams, Essex chairman)  
Kevin Comrie, Manchester (4th photo above)  
Peter Bates, Sussex (3rd photo above, with Sally)  
Roger Poulter, Sussex (2nd photo above)

2012 Winners

Tom Garrett, Berks & Bucks  
Penny Riley, Cambs & Hunts  
Elaine Proctor, Lincolnshire  (picture)
Judy Mitchell, Staffs & Shrops  (picture)
Jackie Clinton, Sussex

2011 winners

Derek Povah, Derbyshire  (picture)
Megan Taft, Lancashire (picture)
Drene Brown, Lincolnshire  (picture)
Roger Morton, London  (picture)
Ted Reveley, Merseyside & Cheshire (picture
Ken Drane, Middlesex  (picture)
Nigel Block, Norfolk (picture)
Christine Buchanan, Norfolk (picture)
Suzanne Gill, Norfolk (picture)

2010 winners

David & Anne Gilling, Bedfordshire (picture
Dave Harrison, Cambs & Hunts (picture
Geoff Bell, Cumbria (picture)
Anne Swannell, Gloucestershire (picture)
Derek Rue, Gloucestershire (picture
Mike Minting, Hertfordshire (picture
Bill McCarthy, Oxfordshire (picture
Peter Langston, Sussex (picture
Ted Bond, Yorkshire (picture)

2009 Winners

Bob Blackmore, who last August won the first John Armstrong Memorial Award, is now the recipient of the Dimmie Fleming Award for services to bridge. Bob is a player of the highest standard who has won almost every competition in Devon and has represented that County in national events on numerous occasions. He was a founder member of the Exeter Bridge Club, and has been its unpaid financial director since 1994. He has used that position to promote the interests of bridge both for the club and the Devon Bridge Association. Bob largely gave up competitive bridge to take on the role of encouraging young players and those new to the game. For as long as most people can remember, nobody has worked harder for bridge in Devon than Bob Blackmore.

2008 Winners

Stan Harding - Hertfordshire (picture
Roy Hughes - Lincolnshire (picture
Roger Amey - Norfolk (picture
Philip Wraight - Westmorland (picture)

2007 Winners

Kay Batting - Sussex  (picture)
Paul Hammond - Worcestershire (picture)
Margaret Hatch - Berks & Bucks  (picture)
Peter Thompson - Gloucestershire  (picture)
Colin Tuton - Northamptonshire  (picture)
Please click on their names for a mini-biography of each winner.

2006 Winners

Gladys Gittins, Cambs & Hunts  (picture)
Hector Barker, Lancashire  
Michael Hill, London  (picture)
Robbie Roberson, Norfolk  (picture)
May Langmaid, Sussex  (picture)
Please click on their names for a mini-biography of each winner.

2005 winners

John Cattanach, Worcester  
Christine Duckworth, London  
Pat Panter, Channel Islands  
Janet Sheppard, Cumbria  
Monica Lucy, Bedfordshire  
Rita Keable, Bedfordshire  
Mike de Winter, Kent  
Terry Udall, Dorset  
Ramnik Samani, Leicestershire  
Picture from left, back row: Monica Lucy, Margaret Curtis (who made the presentations) and Mike de Winter; front row Rita Keable, Pat Panter and Christine Duckworth.

2004 Winners 


Jean Newton, Worcestershire 
Brian Keable, Bedfordshire 
Alan Caves, Bedfordshire (picture)
Bob King, Kent (picture)
Shelia Warner, Norfolk (picture)
Don Smedley, Derbyshire 
Peter Bentley, Surrey

2003 Winners

Elaine and John Clague, Isle of Man (picture)
Patricia Gadsby, Sussex  
Margaret Lamb, Devon  (picture)
Brenda Lihou, Channel Isles  
Muriel Thruston, Surrey (picture)  
Ray White, Kent (picture)

2002 Winners

Peter Walker, Glos  
John Turner, Worcs (picture)  
Freddie North, Sussex  
Ron Buddery, Sussex (picture)
Frank Berry, Derby

2001 Winners

Yvonne Dagwell, Essex (picture)
John Barratt, Staffs & Shrops

2000 Winners

Yvonne Andrews, Warwickshire (picture)
Pat Burt, Cornwall  
Catherine Howell, Isle of Wight  
Terry Girdlestone, Somerset

1999 Winners

Betty Bartley, Wiltshire  
Nigel Osmer, Sussex  
Sid Prince, Essex  
Eric Pudsey, Yorkshire

1998 Winners

Kay Johns, Channel Islands (picture)
Marion Murtagh, Warwick (picture)
Dawn Herbert, Mersey/Cheshire (picture
John Herbert, Mersey/Cheshire (picture)
Kit Platt, Surrey (picture)
Mollie Simmons, Hampshire (picture)

1997 Winners

Bill Dalman, Worcestershire  
Sandy Constable, Oxon  
Winnie Ling, Oxon  
Ernest Burston, Derbyshire  
John Crowe, Isle of Man (picture)

1996 Winners

Mary Cooney, Cumbria  
Jean Baker, Sussex  
Morrie Marsh, Oxon  
Peter Ashcroft, Devon

1995 Winners

Arthur Brown, Cornwall  
SF Collings, Cornwall  
Mrs M Holden, Cornwall  
Peter Constable, Berks and Bucks

1994 Winners

John Manning, Sussex  
Arnold Deane, North East  
Joyce Dancey, Gloucestershire  
Joan Everett, Channel Islands  
John Woolcott, Devon  
Julian Hunt, Middlesex  
Peter & Erica Slatcher, Merseyside and Cheshire (picture)

1993 Winners

Hylda Townsend, Warwickshire  
Allan Packett, Surrey  
Dennis Crouch, Sussex

1992 Winners

Eric Sheldon, Sussex  
Warwick Pitch, London  
Cecil Leighton, London  
Hubert Castle, Yorkshire  
Endid Trevaskis, Hampshire and IOW

1991 Winners

Jill Gatti, London  
Rene Golding, North East  
Lionel Gardner, Channel Islands  
RW Robinson, Kent  
Mrs G Bright, Kent  
Dr W Bright, Kent  
Graham Kirby, Merseyside and Cheshire

1990 Winners

Ron Allen, Worcestershire  
Joyce Hare, Warwickshire  
Henry Huggill, Manchester  
Don King, Surrey  
Kath Coward, Surrey  
Lundie Rees, Somerset  
Anne Schofield, Lancashire  
Gladys Morley, Essex

1989 Winners

Basil Cooke, Staffordshire  
Norah Williams, Somerset  
John Morley, Essex  
Neville Orford, Warwickshire

1988 Winners

Eric Bowtell, Oxon

1987 Winners

F. Dumbleton, Staffordshire  
Mrs P. Jones, Devon  
Mrs Marjorie Hathaway, Leicestershire  
Mr and Mrs A Cleverley, Gloucestershire  
R. Knight, Essex  
Mrs Mary Edwards, Surrey  
Liz Phillips, Surrey  
Mrs J Coleman, CILBA

1986 Winners

Mrs G. Ali Khan, Devon  
Ken Botton, Derbyshire
Harold Chope, Dorset  
Mrs G. Clucksfield, Yorkshire  
Charles Cuthbert, Essex  
Freddie Della-Porta, London  
Wilf Fearn, North West  
Frank Fletcher, Essex
Tricia Fletcher, Essex
Philip Graham, Southern Counties and Hampshire & Isle of Wight
J Hewitt, Somerset
Wilf Lamport, Herts  
Ged Laurenson, North West  
Faff Robinson, North West  
Maurice Schram, Essex  
Mrs Lucy Shillito, Notts  
Bill Skelton, North East  
George Taylor, Leicestershire  
Noel Vinson OBE, Devon  
Iris Waller, Berks & Bucks

1985 Winners

Mrs H Robinson, North West  
Mrs Mary Higson, North West  
Jack Danby, Isle of Wight  
Eric McVitie-Clarke, Devon