The English Bridge Union (EBU) has launched a funded scheme to bring Minibridge into the primary school classroom over the next three years. This has been made possible because our Youth and Education charitable trust has received various donations over the years.
Minibridge 4 to 9 is aimed at children in years 4 to 9 and sometimes below (i.e. those aged from 8 to 13 years, and age 7). This game can be taught by teachers who are non-bridge experts (and in many instances are new to the game themselves) following some in-service training and support from the EBU. It includes all the aspects of point count, play and defence.
The various skills attained by children learning and playing Minibridge 4 to 9 have been fully mapped to the National Strategy targets in English and Mathematics in the National Curriculum up to and including Level 4.
Please look through the various pages in this section of our website, and then please do let us know if you would like an event at your school.
If you are an interested school teacher, please read: How to play Minibridge 4 to 9
If you are a bridge club or bridge player, and would be interested in introducing the game locally, please view Bridge Clubs & Minibridge.