Appeals Referees List

If you want to arrange an appeal, or get help with an appeal, telephone one of the EBU's principal Referees from the following list.

Those with *** shown next to their contact number have asked not to receive phone calls after 10pm.

Those with ^^^ shown next to their contact number can be rung until 1:30am.

David Bakhshi 07801 160815
David Burn 07767 642094
Brian Callaghan 020 7385 3534
Heather Dhondy 07879 636 493
Jeremy Dhondy 07967 475 925
Chris Dixon 07973 530297
David Gold 07854 632384
Jason Hackett 07483 896921 ^^^
Paul Hackett 0161 446 1138
David Harris 07967 645955
Frances Hinden 07894 838020
Graham Kirby 01989 780561
Graham Osborne 01428 682778
Malcolm Pryor 07766 597358
Tim Rees 01344 775499
Neil Rosen 020 8445 6609
Brian Senior 0115 779 3413
Jeff Smith 0161 702 3773