The EBU Prosecution Panel is a panel made up of volunteer EBU Members who may be called upon to serve in an official capacity to decide whether there may be a case to answer if there is a complaint under the EBU disciplinary rules and also to prosecute the case should it go ahead.
A panel will initially be asked to decide on a case referred to it whether there is a case to answer. If so one member of the panel (not necessarily one involved in the original panel) will be asked to lead the prosecution.
In addition to appointing the Prosecution and Disciplinary Panels the EBU Board also appoints a Pro Bono Advisor. That person is a volunteer member of the EBU who will advise, free of charge, any EBU member charged with an offence on the procedures to be followed.
The current make up is as follows:
Pro Bono Advisor: Roger Karn
Prosecution Panel: John Dean, Richard Fedrick, Mike Graham, Stephen Green (L&E Committee Vice-Chair), Mike Huggins, Simon Husband, Jane Jensen, Fiona Littlewood, Jim Mason, Shirley Pritchard, Neil Rosen, Andrew Southwell, Alan Wilson, Nick Woolven
Updated: 4th January 2024