Club Director training courses and scoring seminars

It might be an exaggeration to say that a well-run duplicate event is thing of beauty – if not perhaps a joy forever - but it is certainly true that a poorly run or administered event can significantly detract from the pleasure of playing. It is for this reason that English Bridge Education & Development is working hard to increase the pool of trained and qualified directors.

Tournament Directors

EBED provide a suite of courses to equip participants with the necessary skills which will enable them to run events from local club duplicates to county events and beyond. All our training is provided by experienced tutors with first hand experience of running major national events on behalf of the English Bridge Union. The courses are run by English Bridge Education and Development

Club Director Courses

Current information on Club Director Courses is now available at TD Training FAQ. EBU Members will enjoy a discount of £6.50 against the standard pricing. Bookings may be made by clubs, or directly by members. The prices are as follows:

Module Price EBU Members Price
How to run a club duplicate £75 £68.50
Book Rulings £75 £68.50
Book (Cont'd) and Judgement Rulings £75 £68.50
Assessment £75 £68.50


We run these courses nationally in respond to demand from individual clubs. Please email EBED if your club would be interested in hosting a suite of these courses, which are usually held at monthly intervals. Details of currently planned courses may be found on the Course Calendar Club Director Training page.

Consolidate your skills 

You can study or download useful flow charts on the most commonly infringed laws You can also download an online referesher course, which consisting of 40 situations to consider. Some are book rulings, some judgement rulings and, in some cases, good old-fashioned common-sense. Some are quite intricate and others straightforward, but hopefully they will all make you think.

The EBU has created a series of videos to help Directors deal with six of the more commonly occurring situations. They can be viewed on the More help with TD rulings page.

Advancing through the ranks

To progress beyond being a Club Tournament Director, you should attend a course run by the EBU. Please see County and National TD training courses for more information.

Scoring seminars

Seminars on using EBUScore - the EBU's scoring software which is available free of charge to affiliated clubs, counties, and EBTA members - are run sporadically throughout the year. These are arranged on request - please email if your club would be interested in hosting a courses - and any upcoming courses are listed on the club director training course calendar.