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Harrogate Spring Congress Results 2025

The Harrogate Spring Congress took place last weekend, the Swiss Teams was won by the team of Tom Gisborne, Sandy Davies, Matthew Kiggins, & Bazil Caygill ( pictured) with a score of 104 VPs. In...

Updates from Aylesbury - February 2025

The latest instalment of Updates from Aylesbury, the monthly newsletter for Club and County Officials is now available to read via the link below: Updates from Aylesbury - 7th February 2025 All...

WBF World Tour Final

The World Bridge Federation World Tour Final will take place from 12-13 March, in Memphis. Two of the 16 players in the final are EBU members, Espen Erichsen & Richard Plackett. They have been...

London win Tollemache Cup

The Tollemache Cup (intercounty teams of eight) Final was held at the weekend and was won convincingly by London ( pictured ): David Bakhshi , Liam Sanderson , Nicola Smith , Brian Callaghan...

January 12-board Ladder Winners

In the 12-board ladder for January, Gordon Rainsford won the top prize of £30 with an average score of 71.47% over six games. James Bon was second with an average score of 71.18%, and Amr El...

Online One-Day GP Event Winners for 2024

The Online One-Day GP Event series for 2024 has now concluded and the leaderboard has been finalised. Congratulations to the top three overall members: 1st - Ian Walsh 2nd - Jackie Davies 3rd -...

Coley & Kearney win OODGP Swiss Pairs

The first of the Online One-Day Green Pointed events for 2025 took place on Sunday 26th January. It was won by members of the U26 Youth Squad Dido Coley & Lily Kearney, ( pictured) with a score...

Lederer Memorial Trophy

This year's Lederer Memorial Trophy, run by the London Metropolitan Bridge association, takes place in just a few short weeks, at the RAC in Pall Mall. Ten top-flight teams are invited to take...

Lady Milne Trial Results

Congratulations to Dido Coley & Lily Kearney who won last weekend's Lady Milne trial, played at the Young Chelsea Bridge Club in London, their winning score was +68 IMPs. In second place were...

Teltscher Trophy Senior Trial Results

Congratulations to Patrick Shields & Richard Chamberlain ( pictured), who won the senior trials over the weekend of 10th - 12th January at York Bridge Club. Roger Bryant & Stephen Green ( picture...

Camrose 2025

The first weekend of the Camrose Trophy took place last weekend, hosted by the Scottish Bridge Union from 3rd-5th January at Adamton House Hotel, Prestwick, Scotland. The England team finished...

England U26 win DBV Youth Tournament

To celebrate 75 years of the Deutsche Bridge Verband (the German equivelant of the EBU), they have been running an online tournament over the weekend of 22-23 December, on RealBridge. Of the 16...

December 12-board Ladder Winners

In the 12-board ladder for December, Tim Glover won the top prize of £30 with an average score of 73.54% over six games. Mike Huggins was second with an average score of 70.12%, and Gordon...

Next Generation Game Dates

The Generation Game, is a casual bridge event run by EBED on RealBridge. The next session will be held on Sunday 19th January, with future sessions on Sunday 16th February and Sunday 9th March...

Year End Congress Winners

Congratulations to all the winners from the Year End Congress in London, played between Christmas and New Year. Paul Winstone & Roger Harris won the Improvers Pairs run online jointly with Kent...

Congratulations RealBridge!

The three people behind RealBridge, Andy Bowles (Operations Director) Graham Hazel (CEO and CTO) Shireen Mohandes (Commercial Director), ( pictured) all long-standing EBU members, have been given...

Cope and Paske win ACBL event

English internationals Simon Cope and Thomas Paske have won the prestigious Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs, a three-day event run by the American Contract Bridge League and currently being held in Las...

Team Winter wins NTL Season 7

The National Teams League season 7 has now concluded. In Division 1, team "Winter" (Geoff Kenyon, Mike Leese, Liam Sanderson, Sarah Teshome, Daniel Winter, Richard Winter, Steve Wood) finished...

Petersfield Bridge Club A Team win NICKO

The National Interclub Knockout (NICKO) has been won by Petersfield Bridge Club A. The team was Owen Leigh, James Clark, Steve Preston & Mike Kinsey ( pictured). They beat Milton Keynes Bridge...

November 12-board Ladder Winners

In the 12-board ladder for November, Richard Jones won the top prize of £30 with an average score of 71.51% over six games. David Dawson was second with an average score of 70.06%, and Tony...

Lords Commons Match 2024

The annual Lords Commons bridge match took place in the Houses of Parliament on Thu 28 Nov and was won by the Lords ( pictured) by 114-82, which is their 28th win. Next year will be the 50th...

Spam/Phishing Emails

We are aware that an email has been sent to a number of members regarding members lists. If you have received such an email, please do not reply to the sender. These emails have been sent to...

AGM Awards 2024

At the AGM yesterday (Wednesday, 27th November), the EBU recognised various members' contributions to bridge in England. The meeting was held live in London at the Royal National Hotel. For award...

2024 Sim Pairs prize winners drawn

At this week's AGM the 2024 Sim Pairs prize draw took place. Two clubs were drawn from those which entered the EBED Sims and six from those entering the other sims. Each receives £200. The...

Election of Board Members Announced

The EBU AGM took place yesterday, 27th November. The following people were elected/re-elected to the EBU Board: Board There were eight nominations for five positions: The votes received were as...

Vasilev & Mauve win OODGP Swiss Pairs

The latest of the Online One-Day Green Pointed events of 2024 took place on Sunday 24th November. It was won by Kostadin Vasilev & Anton Mauve ( pictured), with a score of 116 VPs. In second...

Hinden Team win Premier League

The 2024 Premier League has been won by the Hinden team of Graham Osborne, Frances Hinden, Chris Jagger, Neil Rosen ( pictured). John Atthey also played in the Hinden team over the first and...

Club Seminar: How to Run a Handicap Pairs

The next Club Seminar will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 26th November at 10am. The seminar will include a demonstration of How to Run a Handicap Pairs session as well as a discussion about other...

Milly Sutton appointed as EBED Trustee

We are pleased to announce that Milly Sutton has joined our board of trustees. Milly is relatively new to the game, but she is keeping up with her two children who are learning too. She is a full...

Gather Your Grandchildren

The EBU has approximately 50,000 members, ergo approximately 100,000 grandchildren. How to help regenerate the EBU membership from bottom up in five easy steps: Teach your grandchildren (or other...

WBF Online Women's Teams

Following the success of the inaugural event in February this year, the 2nd WBF Online Women’s Teams event will take place from 3rd to 5th January 2025 on RealBridge. This transnational...

England Women win European Champions' Cup

Congratulations to the England Women's team who won the Gold medal at the recent 2nd Women's Champions' Cup, which took place over the weekend at the Boario Terme, Congress Centre (14th - 16th...

Tollemache Qualifier

The qualifier for the Tollemache Cup, the inter-county championships for teams of eight, was held last weekend 9th-10th November, on RealBridge. There were two groups with four teams from each...