Club Management Focus: Spring 2013

Policy Changes To Rules For Affiliated Clubs

In an effort to ensure that we adapt our policies for the benefit of our members, our affiliated clubs and the development of duplicate bridge in England we have reviewed our existing policies on club affiliation and those who play in supervised play sessions for many years. After consultation with the National Club Committee the following changes will be implemented on 1 April 2013.

Clubs wishing to affiliate which play fewer than 26 sessions per annum.

Bona fide duplicate bridge clubs which play less than 26 sessions per annum will be permitted to affiliate to the English Bridge Union subject to their county’s agreement. To ensure that there is differentiation between our existing affiliated clubs and these new clubs, affiliation costs will be double the annual affiliation fee plus payment of the full pay to play subscription fee for each session played.

Supervised/Assisted play sessions and magazine points

There is a category of affiliated club members who are playing in supervised play sessions for many, many years. These players fall outside of the EBU’s progression of play through its Bridge for All scheme where students play for 24 months, part of which includes supervised play sessions, before becoming registered fully fledged club members.

We have been approached by some clubs that have asked us to engage with these long term supervised play members of their clubs. It was agreed that if these players are to earn magazine points then they should pay the full play to pay fee. Their sessions are outside of the NGS and MP awards as there is no scoring. This scheme will be purely voluntary for those affiliated clubs who wish to register these sessions with the EBU.

For further information about either policy please contact Andrew Urbanski on

Sally Bugden
For and on behalf of the Board of the EBU
March 2013