Club Management Focus: Autumn 2014

Scoring teams games for NGS

In June it became possible to include teams results (Multiple teams and Swiss Teams) for NGS purposes but at that stage Scorebridge was not compatible and those wishing to do it had to either use Teams Scorer or another compatible program.

We had correspondence urging us to talk to Stephen Bligh, the owner of Scorebridge, to see if this matter could be resolved.

Chairman Jeremy Dhondy met with Stephen in early August and we’re pleased to say they had a constructive and positive meeting. Stephen has produced updated versions of his software and tested them. They are now compatible so the clubs wishing to use Scorebridge for multiple teams events are able to go ahead once they have updated their version. The club scorer should have received an email from Stephen to let them know of the updated version.

Please note that for Club or County Swiss Team events where an NGS rating is required it will be necessary to use SwissTeamsScorer because Scorebridge is not compliant.

We'd like to thank Stephen Bligh for his flexibility in resolving this problem.
