L&E News
by Jeremy Dhondy
Convention Cards
Directors should be aware that players not only need a card at events but also there are some restrictions. The WBF card is not permitted in many of our events. At present the Tournament Committee is reviewing the list of those where it will be allowed but if it is not then anyone using it is subject to a procedural penalty and can be given a simple system card unless and until they produce the correct card. In events where players are allowed to play different systems you should be aware that the L&E have recently confirmed that if playing a system where there are material differences between 1st/2nd position and 3rd/4th position a separate card will be needed for each. The particular example which triggered this confirmation was for a pair who opened 1H showing spades in 1st/2nd position but whose 1H bid was natural in 3rd/4th position. You can only play different methods in this way at Level 4 or higher where there are rounds of at least 7 boards (See OB 10A8)
The International Bridge Laws forum is an online forum where matters relating to rulings, appeals, laws and regulations are discussed. You can find it at forums.bridgebase.com and joining it is simple and free. Several EBU directors, regular appeal chairmen and L&E members are frequent contributors.
Tangerine Book
The L&E have published the Tangerine Book. It’s available online only and is aimed at clubs and club players who don’t want to wade through the Orange Book. All regulations are the same in the TB and OB and will be updated each August 1st.
White Book
The White Book has been revised and a new edition published (March 2010). From now on it will only be an online document and the hope is that it will be easier to update and this will be done on an annual basis. You can get it from the L&E pages of the EBU web site. Any comments on content or the index are welcome.