Is your club ready for a new year of teaching?

August is the biggest month for student recruitment. As you receive this newsletter hundreds of people will be online searching for beginner’s classes for this autumn.

If your club is running lessons, or has the details of a teacher in your area who you are happy to promote, then make sure your club website has a ‘shop window’ on the home page. Ensure that all classes, dates, venue and starting times clearly visible. People like to see a name with contact details.

Don’t rely on potential students finding a link in a menu – make the information prominent on the home page, using a large, unambiguous headline like ‘Learn to Play Bridge this Autumn’ (just having ‘lessons’, for example, could be confused as being for existing players).

We have a standard advert template which can be over written with your details. Personalise this advert and put on the front page of your club/county website in the coming weeks. There is also a A4 size (which could be scaled to A5) if you wish to print some off.

One is specific to autumn, another is more general – there are also ones for other seasons if your lessons start at a different time of year. If you download them in your preferred format you can then open them in Photoshop, put them in a design package like InDesign, or even paste them in to Word. You can then add your details onto the blank areas.

They can be downloaded here:

No Season

Original size, jpeg
Original size, pdf
A4 size, jpeg
A4 size, pdf


Original size, jpeg
Original size, pdf
A4 size, jpeg
A4 size, pdf


A4 size, jpeg
A4 size, pdf


A4 size, jpeg
A4 size, pdf


A4 size, jpeg
A4 size, pdf

These are also available on our website alongside some posters (which can also be downloaded in a leaflet size), and some other ideas for promotional items.

Using Facebook to promote your lessons

If your club has a Facebook page (and if it doesn’t, see here for details on setting up, and using, a Facebook page or Twitter account) then using Facebook can be an effective and relatively cheap way of promoting your lessons.

Information on how you can use Facebook to advertise your lessons (or a forthcoming event) can be found here.