EBUScore Update

A software update for EBUScore was made available to download on 21st May, with version 1.2.1 introduced. If you haven’t yet updated your software, you may wish to do so. To upgrade to the latest version, follow the same route through 'My EBU' as if downloading for the first time.

This update includes a redesigned Wireless Scoring screen, along with a number of other updates. It is worth noting that there may be some features of version 1.1.10 that do not appear in 1.2.1.

Before you upgrade to 1.2.1, you might consider retaining a copy of 1.1.10, e.g. by installing 1.2.1 into a different folder, so that you can revert to 1.1.10 if you feel that there are any important features missing. We would welcome any feedback regarding this, to ebuscore@ebu.co.uk