Leslie Reece

Dimmie Fleming Award winner, 2015

Leslie has been a member of the Warwickshire Executive Committee, formerly Council, for thirty four years. Joining the Committee in 1981 as assistant League Secretary, Leslie took over as League Secretary in 1985, an office he held until he became Vice‐Chairman in 1990. Leslie took over the Chairmanship in 1992 and remained for two years until he retired and then spent a year as an Ex‐Officio member of the Committee. In 1996 Leslie returned to the office of League Secretary, a post he held for nine years until, in 2005, he became Treasurer, an office he still holds today. In addition to his various roles on the Committee Leslie has, over the years, represented Warwickshire as a Shareholder, which he still continues to do. He has also served on many subcommittees of the County, and on the Midland Counties Congress Committee.