Errors in the 2017 law books

The WBF have issued a notice advising of two errors in the text which they provided for the printing of the law books, and which has only been noticed after the EBU had printed their version of the book. These errors have been corrected in the EBU's pdf version which can be downloaded via this link, however those purchasing a copy of the book should note the necessary changes.

The changes which should be made are:

In 'Definitions'
Under 'Play', the final sentence should be numbered 4. So the full definition of play reads:

  • 1. The contribution of a card from one’s hand to a trick, including the first card, which is the lead.
  • 2. The aggregate of plays made.
  • 3. The period during which the cards are played.
  • 4. The aggregate of the calls and plays on a board.

In Law 23 C:
Law 30B1(b)(ii) should be Law 30B1(b)(i)

May 22, 2017