Board and Standing Committee nominees announced

The EBU AGM took place on 28th November. The following people were elected/re-elected to the EBU Board and Standing Committees:

The Board

There were five nominees for four positions. The votes received were as follows:-

Elected for a three year term of office expiring in 2021: Jerry Cope - 59 votes; Ron Millet - 56; Anthony Golding - 47
Elected for a two year term of office expiring in 2020: Graham Smith - 45
Not elected: Barry Capal - 26

Bev Godfrey has stood down from her role as an appointed member of the Board and we thank her for her service.

The current elected Board of Directors are as follows (Updated: 29 Nov '18)

Term ends Term ends
Jerry Cope (Treasurer) 2021 Heather Dhondy 2019
Jeremy Dhondy (Chairman) 2020 Gillian Fawcett Appointed Director
Anthony Golding 2021 Rob Lawy 2020
Ron Millet 2021 Ian Payn (Vice Chairman) 2020
Graham Smith 2020

In addition to those elected the Board of Directors may also appoint two Directors for one year at a time. Appointments for 2019 will be considered at the meeting of the Board in January.

The Selection Committee

There were three nominees for two positions. The votes received were as follows:-
Elected for a three year term of office expiring in 2021: Mike Bell - 51 votes; David Burn - 45
Not elected: Peter Hasenson - 23

The current elected members of the Committee are as follows:

Term ends Term ends
David Bakhshi 2020 Paul Barden 2019
Mike Bell 2021 David Burn 2021
Gillian Fawcett 2020 Alan Mould 2019
Jeremy Willans 2020

The Laws & Ethics Committee

There were two nominees for two positions, therefore no election was needed. Both will join the committee for a three year term.
Sarah Bell
Alan Wilson

The current elected members of the Committee are as follows:

Term ends Term ends
Sarah Bell 2021 David Burn 2020
Heather Dhondy 2020 Frances Hinden 2019
Martin Pool 2019 Tim Rees 2019
Alan Wilson 2021

November 29, 2018