# A C O G T F T H P T W C S A R S Total Ave
5 The Goslings 16.23 19.37 1.03 7.95 + 15.23 6.55 10.44 8.33 6.22 18.37 2.50 20.00 8.33 15.75 20.00 176.30 11.75
6 Fozzy Bear & the Muppets 8.73 3.54 16.90 10.00 4.77 + 4.25 16.46 13.78 7.95 19.95 1.63 17.31 5.04 16.00 16.00 162.31 10.82
7 The Lockup Squad 5.32 2.50 11.67 4.00 13.45 15.75 + 8.73 1.47 10.00 5.04 20.00 10.00 16.68 17.69 16.00 158.30 10.55
8 Haines 10.86 9.14 2.50 7.58 9.56 3.54 11.27 + 7.23 15.50 7.58 6.88 16.68 7.23 19.95 16.23 151.73 10.12
9 Paul Chapman 10.44 3.54 0.05 10.00 11.67 6.22 18.53 12.77 + 10.44 1.96 9.14 3.54 18.37 18.37 15.23 150.27 10.02
10 The Martians 5.61 5.04 6.22 5.04 13.78 12.05 10.00 4.50 9.56 + 2.69 6.55 16.00 17.69 16.68 16.00 147.41 9.83