Support & Learning for Youth

The EBU works with the charity English Bridge Education and Development (EBED) to organise and coordinate youth activities.

These include the Junior Teach-In, the Young Bridge Challenge, Under-21 & Under-26 Championships, and numerous other competitions and opportunities to learn, organised at a national, county, or club level. County Youth Officers coordinate junior activities in many counties.

Know that safety of our Youth is very important to the EBU, find out more about our Safeguarding policies..

Learning & Resources Bridge


Support for Schools and Students

Information and equipment for those wishing to teach bridge in schools, or to youth groups, is available from EBED. They also administer the Junior Award Scheme, which offers a series of graded attainment levels which the young player can achieve as they learn to play. Those completing a level in the Junior Award Scheme will receive membership of the EBU.

Support for Ages 4 and Upwards


Bridge is a great way to compete, socialise and maybe travel the world. Watch this video from the European Bridge League - you could have this much fun if you take up bridge:

Awards / Schemes

The Junior Award Scheme

The Junior Award Scheme is an important and exciting initiative from English Bridge Education & Development, designed to stimulate enthusiasm for junior bridge among young players, parents and educators